Community maintained

What Does Community Support Mean?

Community maintained targets have full featured Armbian OS support but lack quality control imposed by Armbian standard support criteria. Boards are supported / maintained at least on the level of 3rd party Linux distributions. They are maintained (or not maintained) by community members (like you). These builds are provided by the Armbian project as a service to the community. They are automatically generated and untested.

What you can do to help lifting support status?

BeagleY®-AI is a low-cost, open-source, community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists in a familiar form-factor compatible with accessories available for other popular single board computers. Users benefit from Debian Linux software images with a built-in development environment and the ability to run artificial intelligence applications on a dedicated 4 TOPS co-processor along with real-time I/O tasks on a dedicated 800MHz microcontroller. BeagleY®-AI is designed to meet the needs of professional developers and classroom-environments alike being affordable and easy-to-use, while being open source hardware such that developers barriers are eliminated to how deep the lessons can go or how far you can take the design in practical applications.

Checkout for Pinmuxing and accessory compatibility info.

After you download and boot?

Basic OS configuration is conducted at first boot. You are asked to set a root password, normal user and confirm your, automatically determined, language settings. If your hardware has internal media, you might want to transfer your OS to it. You can also choose to configure your OS first, setup applications, enable services and install to internal media later.



You can select different login shell (ZSH), enable 2FA for your SSH, enable virtual read-only file-system, switch to rolling releases, ... and more. Armbian config tool helps you configure your network (static, dynamic, enabling hotspot). Once you are done configurion your OS, you can proceed to software section. Armbian config provides clean and fast way of installing great selection of popular software titles. If you plan to use your board for running a home automation, file server, ad blocking, downloading media, ... we got you covered.

Help Armbian Grow: Support & Join Our Team!


* Specifications differ from hardware revision, model and software support level


  • check previous images from archive
  • join community forums


BASH or ZSH shell, standard Debian/Ubuntu utilities. Features can be adjusted with menu-driven utility. Login is possible via serial, HDMI or SSH.


Minimal, server or Desktop. We work with XFCE, Gnome and Cinnamon but more is possible to build: Mate, KDE, Budgie, Deepin, i3, …


No bloatware or spyware. Special utilities are completely optional. Suitable for newcomers and professionals.


Distributed images are optimized for flash media (SD/eMMC/SSD) and compacted to real data size.


Armbian is optimized on kernel and userspace level. ZRAM & ZSWAP support, browser profile memory caching, garbage commit delay.


Security level can be adjusted with the armbian-config. OS is reviewed by professionals within the community.


Maintainers and community have deep understanding how HW work. We are seniors with 30+ years of experience in Linux + embedded Linux.


Armbian provides open source build framework to build a distribution of optimised Linux hardware interface for armhf, aarch64 and x86.

We provide a selection of images that fits hardware best. If you need different image – use build framework and make whatever you need. Build framework relies on Debian and Ubuntu packages – you can build any combination – stable, old stable or rolling release.

Minimal images have very small footprint. They come only with essential packages and build-in systemd-networkd while CLI server images have Network Manager based networking, armbian-config utilities, option to select ZSH as default shell.

Make sure you have a good & reliable boot media (SD card / USB key) and a proper power supply. Archives can be flashed with Etcher (all OS) directly.

Insert the SD card into the slot, connect a cable to your network if possible or a display and power your board. (First) boot (with DHCP) takes a bit longer.

Support is provided in one of two ways: