By Igor Pečovnik / General purposeNAS / 0 Comments

Nanopc CM3588 NAS

Check or update before upgrade!

  1. On your board, edit the file /boot/armbianEnv.txt: Find the line fdtfile="rockchip/rk3588-nanopc-cm3588-nas.dtb" and replace this line with fdtfile="rockchip/rk3588-friendlyelec-cm3588-nas.dtb", DO NOT REBOOT YET
  2. Update your kernel as usual.

You only have to do this once, and only on existing installations. New installations and further update will not need any manual intervention.


(video instructions were not done by Armbian team, but it might help you get going)

By Igor Pečovnik / Virtual / 0 Comments

Qemu X86

x86_64 via UEFI/BIOS for generic virtual board

Usage: Use this board to run armbian on a virtualized environment (eg: QEMU/KVM)

Differences with the ‘uefi-x86’ board:

  • support kernel boot messages on graphical and console/serial devices
  • support prompt on graphical/console devices
  • patches targeting virtualized env on x86 should be added here – when it make sense