Make sure to check flashing guide!

Ubuntu Noble 24.11.1 GNOME Testing: | Rolling Release (25.2.x) Testing: |
- Images here are for 5B, for model 5A can be found here.
- Some eMMC devices are broken on 5A
- PD is broken for the 5B model (background) on most revisions that are in the wild and is causing boot loop. Workaround is to use a stupid / fixed 5-24 volts USB-C power supply.
- Installation to NVME or USB is done via standard armbian install utility (
sudo armbian-install
). Make sure to generate partitions and format them before start.

PCI support is broken on vendor kernel (6.1.xx) on versions higher then 24.8.1. Use this version and freeze kernel (armbian-config -> system) prior to updating OS. PCI works on other Rockchip 3588 devices, while fixing this on all represent expensive technical challenge which we will be able to proceed once your donations for entire project reaches at least 1000 USD per month. With Orangepi devices we have extremely high negative support budget. Alternative operating systems that relies on our work face the same problem. We appreciate for your understanding.

This device could also run standard UEFI image.