- Some devices powers off on load

- You need to hold boot key and power/reset the device to force boot from SD card,
- Shutdown doesn’t work properly. It reboots the board.
- Devices, which memory number begins with SEC710 K4B4G16, need to do.:
- https://forum.armbian.com/topic/7274-nanopc-t3-boot-troubles/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-83688

- second serial console is enabled on a microUSB port
- occasional troubles with network driver
- https://forum.armbian.com/topic/7260-quick-review-of-nanopi-fire3/

- Supported 720 and 1080p model,
- DVFS, battery and brightness control,
- MALI with opensource Lima drivers,
- Chromium web-dl enabled,
- not enabled or not tested: suspend/resume

For HC1 and HC2 we provide specially optimized config which you can enable via armbian-config -> system -> kernel -> select odroid configuration. This results in shorter boot time and lower consumption. Manualls – edit or create /boot/armbianEnv.txt and add: board_name=xu4 # or xu3, xu3, hc1
Overlay management via armbian-config is not supported. You need to edit /boot/boot.ini and add overlays manually. Look for a line:
setenv overlays "i2c0 i2c1 hktft-cs-ogst"
Here you add what you need. More you can find in /boot/dtb/ or /boot/dtb/overlays
Make sure to adjust path in
ext4load mmc 0:1 0x60000000 /boot/dtb/overlays/${overlay}.dtbo