By Oleg Ivanov / General purposeNASDesktop / 0 Comments

Nanopc T4

  • UART is accessible on a standard connector but with unusual speed: 1500000
  • If you want to boot from your SD card you need to hold boot button while powering up/resetting
By Tony Mckahan / General purposeDesktop / 0 Comments


  • UART is accessible on pin 6 (GND),8 (TX) and 10 (RX) and with unusual speed: 1500000
  • Video and 3D acceleration addon
  • Clocking to maximum safe CPU speed (1.51Ghz) is possible this way:
    sed -i "s/MAX_SPEED=.*/MAX_SPEED=1510000/" /etc/default/cpufrequtils 
    service cpufrequtils restart

    Make sure to install large heatsink!

By Igor Pečovnik / General purpose / 0 Comments

Pine H64

  • PCIe port is not supported: Allwinner H6 has a quirky PCIe controller that doesn’t map the PCIe address space properly to CPU, and accessing the PCIe config space, IO space or memory space will need to be wrapped. As Linux doesn’t wrap PCIe memory space access, it’s not possible to do a proper PCIe controller driver for H6. The BSP kernel modifies the driver to wrap the access, so it’s also not generic, and only devices with modified driver will work. Armbian does not support BSP based kernels. You can find more information here and here.
  • USB3 sometimes doesn’t detect high-speed devices properly