By Kat Schwarz / General purposeIOTNetworking / 0 Comments

Orange Pi R1+ and LTS

  • Images for non LTS version can be downloaded here
  • There is currently a known issue that may affect this board on some IPv4 only networks. Symptoms are variable, from intermittent drop-outs and slow-downs to total loss of one NIC or total loss of networking. The issue can be completely eliminated by disabling IPv6. Don’t try to do this through armbian-config as this method does not work. IPv6 must be disabled by adding a line extraargs="ipv6.disable=1" to /boot/armbianEnv.txt
  • Device tree overlays to enable uart1 and i2c0 are available in Armbian 23.02.
By Igor Pečovnik / General purposeIOTNASNetworkingDesktop / 0 Comments


Better then Ubuntu? No Canonical proprietary solutions. Better then Debian? More recent package base.

Better then both:

  • HiDPI support for GRUB and desktop (automated adjustments on big screen resolutions),
  • immutable firmware (kernel upgrade locked to additionally enhance stability),
  • kernel headers preinstalled (easy additional drivers install),
  • ZFS 2.2.2 ready (apt install zfsutils-linux zfs-dkms),
  • face unlock works perfectly (if your camera is supported),
  • additional (hibernation) power saving method comes pre-configured (since standby doesn't always works),
  • snapd is not installed (user can install it).

Installation to HDD/SSD drive is done by transferring live image to the target (sudo armbian-install).

By Igor Pečovnik / NetworkingDesktopGeneral purposeIOTNAS / 0 Comments

Intel / AMD

Why Armbian provides x86 builds?

Besides general advantages, there are several additional reasons:

  • bringing embedded Linux UX and development to mainstream x86 hardware
  • focus in hardware compatibility and device drivers
  • can be used for faster development, testing and automation
  • Ubuntu builds are cleaned from proprietary Canonical solutions and services
  • ready to run, live OS image with custom OS development
Radxa Zero
By Yakov / General purposeIOT / 0 Comments

Radxa Zero

If you have a Radxa Zero with eMMC (any model with 2GB or 4GB of RAM), you’ll need to erase the eMMC before you can boot it from a microSD card and use Armbian. 1GB version is not supported.

Full instructions are available on the Radxa wiki, but here are some quick notes.

– Connect a USB cable to the Zero’s OTG port (the USB-C plug marked USB-PWR)
– Hold down the “USB BOOT” button on the Radxa Zero while connecting the USB cable to a USB port on the Linux host
sudo pip3 install pyamlboot on the host
curl -O
sudo radxa-zero-erase-emmc.bin

You may have to run the sudo command a second time to fully clear the eMMC. In case you encounter boot issues, try this hint and report there.