- USB3 sometimes doesn’t detect high-speed devices properly

- PCIe port is not supported: Allwinner H6 has a quirky PCIe controller that doesn’t map the PCIe address space properly to CPU, and accessing the PCIe config space, IO space or memory space will need to be wrapped. As Linux doesn’t wrap PCIe memory space access, it’s not possible to do a proper PCIe controller driver for H6. The BSP kernel modifies the driver to wrap the access, so it’s also not generic, and only devices with modified driver will work. Armbian does not support BSP based kernels. You can find more information here and here.

- Serial console is enabled by default on µUSB

- serial console is enabled on UART1, which is exposed on chasis,
- mUSB console is also enabled for login
- Bluetooth is not yet enabled.
- One Ethernet device gets random MAC

- works: serial console, 8 cores, USB, SATA, HDMI, DRM video driver
- A83T chip isn’t SATA capable and therefore the SATA port is provided by a (very) slow GL830 USB-to-SATA-bridge
- https://forum.armbian.com/topic/474-banana-pi-m3/